Best time to post on social media


Crack the Code: Finding the Best Time to Post on Social Media in 2024

Stop Posting in the Void: Find the Best Time to Post on Social Media! 


Ever feel like your social media posts disappear into a black hole? You’re not alone! Scheduling can be tricky, especially when algorithms and audience schedules shift constantly. But worry not, fellow content creators, because 2024 brings fresh insights on when to post for maximum engagement on each major platform.

Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all scheduling. Our friends at Hootsuite dove deep into the data, analyzing thousands of posts across Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and even the rising star TikTok. Their mission? To uncover the sweet spots for social media engagement, day by day, platform by platform.

Ready for the good news? Early mornings, especially Mondays, seem to be a golden window across most platforms. Think 9:00 AM PST (12:00 PM EST) for Facebook, Instagram, and even Twitter. LinkedIn professionals shine brightest at 1:00 PM PST on Mondays, while TikTok thrives with Sunday afternoon posts around 1:00 PM PST.

But wait, there’s more! Each platform has its own hidden rhythm. Here’s a quick peek:

  • Facebook: Captivate morning commuters with your Monday musings at 10:00 AM PST.
  • Instagram: Grab attention before the scroll frenzy takes over with a 9:00 AM PST Monday post.
  • Twitter: Ride the mid-morning buzz on Fridays with a 9:00 AM PST tweet.
  • LinkedIn: Fuel your professional network’s lunch break with insightful content at 1:00 PM PST on Mondays.
  • TikTok: Catch the weekend entertainment seekers with a Sunday afternoon post at 1:00 PM PST.

Of course, timing is just one piece of the puzzle. Remember these bonus tips to truly dominate the social media game:

  • Know your audience: Dive deeper than general platform insights. Research your specific niche and audience demographics to refine your timing strategy.
  • Experiment and learn: Track your results using built-in analytics or third-party tools. What resonates with your audience? Adapt your schedule accordingly.
  • Quality over quantity: Less is often more. Focus on creating valuable, engaging content, even if you post less frequently.
  • Engage, engage, engage: Respond to comments, participate in conversations, and build genuine relationships. This boosts engagement and helps you rank higher in the algorithm.

Can You Hear Me Now? Fine-Tuning Your Social Media Timing
best time to post on social media

Okay, so we’ve unveiled the golden hours for posting across different platforms in 2024. But hold on, does this mean every post needs to be scheduled for 9 AM EST on a Monday? Not quite! Remember, these are just broad brushstrokes, not strict commandments. The real magic lies in personalizing your posting strategy to fit your unique audience and content.

Here’s the truth bomb: finding your personal “prime time” requires experimentation and analysis. Treat your social media presence like a science lab! Post at different times throughout the day and track your performance using platform analytics (ahem, Hootsuite’s tools are pretty awesome for this). See what sparks engagement, what gets shared, and what gets crickets chirping.

Just starting out and feeling lost in the data desert? Don’t worry, newbie creators! These suggested times are your springboard to success. Eileen Kwok, Hootsuite’s Social Marketing Coordinator, puts it perfectly: “Test different times and see what resonates. Morning, afternoon, night – give them all a try! After a couple of weeks, you’ll have your own rhythm figured out.”

Think of it like finding your favorite coffee shop. You wouldn’t just plop down at the first table you see, right? You’d try a sunny corner booth, maybe the cozy nook by the window. Explore your social media landscape with the same open mind. Experiment, analyze, and adjust your schedule like a seasoned barista crafting the perfect latte.

Remember, engaging content is the ultimate influencer, regardless of the hour. So, while timing plays a role, don’t forget to focus on creating valuable, shareable posts that resonate with your audience. Build genuine connections, respond to comments, and participate in conversations. That’s the secret sauce that truly boosts your visibility and makes your social media presence more than just a ghost town.

So, go forth, social media pioneers! Test, analyze, tweak, and conquer those algorithms. With a little experimentation and a lot of great content, you’ll find your perfect posting rhythm and make your voice heard in the bustling online world. Happy creating!

The Mystery of the Best Time to Post:

Forget the magic hour! The “best time to post” isn’t about some universal clock, it’s about your audience. Think of them as the party you want to crash, and you wouldn’t show up empty-handed at 3 AM when everyone’s asleep, right?

Newsfeeds love fresh content, but like good snacks at a party, timing matters. That’s where knowing your audience shines. Track when they’re online, what days they scroll the most, and bam! You’ve got your prime posting window.

Sure, studies give general hints like early mornings on Mondays, but remember, your followers aren’t just numbers in a study. They’re real people with their own habits. Tools like Hootsuite analytics are like magical party maps, showing you exactly when your virtual crowd is buzzing.

So, skip the one-size-fits-all advice and unlock your own social media groove. Experiment, track, and create awesome content that keeps your audience engaged. That’s the real recipe for social media stardom, not some clock-watching magic trick. Now go forth, find your audience’s party peak, and rock it!

When to Post for Peak Social Media Engagement

Forget the magic hour! There’s no one-size-fits-all “best time” to post on social media. It’s like throwing the perfect party – you wouldn’t show up with snacks at 3 AM when everyone’s asleep, right? You need to know when your audience is awake, buzzing, and ready to party!

Newsfeeds love fresh content, but timing matters. That’s where understanding your audience shines. Track when they scroll the most, what days they’re online, and boom! You’ve got your prime posting window.

Sure, studies may point to early mornings on Mondays, but your followers aren’t just numbers in a report. They’re real people with their own habits. Tools like Hootsuite analytics are like magical party maps, showing you exactly when your virtual crowd is buzzing.

So, let’s dive into the best times to post on each platform, keeping in mind these are just starting points:


best time to post on social media

  • Mondays & Tuesdays, 10:00 AM PST: Aim for mornings on weekdays while considering time zones for overseas fans.
  • Multiple checks per day: The good news is, Facebook users check in often, so you have several chances to hit your peak times.
  • Key stats: 70% of Americans check Facebook daily, spending an average of 30 minutes there.


  • Mondays, 9:00 AM PST & Wednesdays, 8:00 AM PST: Early mornings for brands, but adjust for personal accounts, Eileen suggests evenings!
  • Recency rules: Freshness matters to Instagram’s algorithm, so post when your audience scrolls.
  • Leisurely evenings: Real estate, retail, and entertainment accounts might shine with evening posts.
  • Key stats: 59% of Americans check Instagram daily, spending an average of 30 minutes there.


best time to post on social media

  • Mondays, 7:00 AM PST & Wednesdays, 10:00 AM PST: Weekday mornings are prime time, especially for news and current events.
  • Trending topics: Capitalize on events like the Super Bowl, but be wary of the noise, Eileen warns.
  • News & current events: Twitter shines for staying up-to-date, making mornings ideal, Trish says.
  • Key stats: 46% of Americans check Twitter daily, spending an average of 1.1 hours per week there.


Best time to post on social media

  • Mondays, 1:00 PM PST: Aim for afternoons, but mornings also work, Trish advises.
  • Variety is key: Mix it up! Videos in the afternoon, written content in the morning, Trish suggests.
  • Younger crowd: Don’t assume early mornings only – younger professionals enjoy leisurely browsing too!
  • Key stats: 16.2% of Americans check LinkedIn daily, with pages that post weekly growing their followers 5.6 times faster.


best time to post on social media

  • Saturdays, 9:00 AM PST & Sundays, 1:00 PM PST: Weekends and evenings dominate, especially later for industries like finance or politics.
  • Patient posting: Give your videos 24 hours to reach the right feeds, Eileen recommends.
  • Post early: Schedule a bit earlier than your desired viewing time as TikTok takes time to process videos.
  • Key stats: Users spend an average of 46 minutes per day on TikTok, with top videos being 21-34 seconds long.

Remember, these are just starting points! Experiment, track your results, and create awesome content that keeps your audience engaged. That’s the real recipe for social media success, not some clock-watching magic trick. Now go forth, find your audience’s party peak, and rock it!

Tips for finding your best time to post

1. Tune into Your Followers’ Rhythm:

  • Social media platforms love fresh content, but who’s there to see it? Post when your audience is buzzing, like weekday mornings for Twitter or leisurely weekends for TikTok. Tools like Hootsuite analytics are your party maps, revealing your crowd’s peak times.

2. Past Performance Makes Perfect Predictions:

  • Analyze your top past posts! See what time those engagement-magnet posts went live. Did they rock Instagram on Mondays at 9 AM? Copy that magic! Hootsuite’s Best Time to Publish feature automates this, suggesting post times based on your own success story.

3. Time Zone Travel:

  • Posting at 6 AM for Europeans wouldn’t make sense if your target audience is bleary-eyed Americans. Respect their time zones! Hootsuite lets you schedule for different regions, or consider dedicated handles for global brands.

4. Keep Your Eye on the Competition:

  • Learn from the best (or avoid their mistakes!). Check your competitors’ top posts and see what times work for them. You might even discover hidden opportunities, like avoiding the “on the hour” posting rush that Hootsuite uses.

5. Test, Tweak, and Triumph:

  • Don’t stick to the same schedule forever. Social media is a living beast! Experiment with different post times, especially if an old favorite flops. Seasonal changes, user trends, and remote work habits may necessitate new strategies.

Bonus Tip: Patience is key! It takes time for algorithms to place your content and for audiences to warm up. Keep creating awesome stuff and analyzing your results. Consistency is your secret weapon!


Forget stressing about the “best time” to post! It’s not some secret code, it’s about knowing your audience and making your content irresistible. Think of it like throwing the perfect party – you wouldn’t serve snacks when everyone’s asleep, right?

Use these tips as your secret social media sauce:

  • Track your audience’s online habits: When do they scroll? Weekends for TikTok? Weekday mornings for Twitter? Find their peak times and post then.
  • Learn from your past hits: What time did those awesome posts that everyone loved go live? Copy that magic!
  • Respect time zones: Don’t wake up Europeans with 6 AM posts if they’re in America! Schedule for different regions or consider separate accounts for global audiences.
  • Spy on the competition: See what works for them, avoid their mistakes. You might even find hidden opportunities like avoiding the “on the hour” post rush.
  • Be a constant experimenter: Don’t get stuck in a rut! Try different times, keep learning, and adapt to changes in your audience or the platform.

Remember, there’s no magic formula, just creativity, data, and a sprinkle of patience. Keep churning out awesome content, tracking your results, and tweaking your strategy. With a little effort, you’ll find the perfect timing to make your social media presence the life of the party! Now go forth and conquer the clock!

FAQs About the Best Time to Post on Social Media

1. Is there a magic “best time” to post on social media?

Nope! Every audience is different, so the time that works for one platform or brand might not be ideal for yours. Think of it like throwing a party: you wouldn’t show up with snacks at 3 AM when everyone’s asleep, right? You need to know when your guests are awake and ready to mingle!

2. How do I know when my audience is online?

The good news is, your social media platforms already know! Tools like Hootsuite analytics can show you exactly when your followers are most active, like weekday mornings for Twitter or leisurely weekends for TikTok. These are your prime party times!

3. What about past performance? Can’t I learn from my best posts?

Absolutely! Check out your top-performing posts and see what time you dropped those engagement bombshells. Did they rock Instagram on Mondays at 9 AM? Copy that magic! It’s like finding the recipe for your social media success.

4. Does it matter where my audience is in the world?

Time zones matter! Respect your followers’ sleep schedules and post when they’re awake and scrolling. Hootsuite lets you schedule for different regions, or consider dedicated accounts for global brands.

5. Should I spy on my competitors?

Learning from the best never hurts! Check out your competitors’ top posts and see what times work for them. You might even discover hidden opportunities, like avoiding the “on the hour” posting rush.

6. Okay, I found the perfect time, now what?

Don’t get stuck in a rut! Social media is always changing, and so are your followers. Test different times, especially if an old favorite flops. Seasonal changes, user trends, and remote work habits might necessitate new strategies.

7. What if my results aren’t great?

Don’t panic! It takes time for algorithms to place your content and for audiences to warm up. Keep creating awesome stuff and analyzing your results. Consistency is key!

8. Is there anything else I can do to improve my social media game?

Of course! Focus on creating high-quality content that your audience loves. Engage with your followers, respond to comments, and join conversations. Be present, be authentic, and have fun!

9. Can I do all this myself?

Not necessarily! Tools like Hootsuite can help you track your audience, schedule posts, and analyze your results. They’re like your social media sidekick, always there to lend a hand.

10. Where can I learn more about this social media magic?

Hootsuite is a great resource for all things social media! Check out their blog, social media courses, and even free trials of their amazing tools. They’re your one-stop shop for conquering the clock and becoming a social media superstar!

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